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How to Celebrate Thanksgiving This Year

Happy Family having a video call while eating

Plan a Zoom Party

We might be physically distant to abide by health mandates, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get together to enjoy the company of remote friends and family. Instead of inviting out-of-state relatives to brave long drives or packed flights, why not arrange an online gathering through Zoom, Facetime, or other video chat platforms? A broadband connection and a tablet or smartphone can put you in touch with loved ones across all points in the US and around the world.

When planning a virtual get-together, it pays to do some groundwork:

Plan it right and you should have a relaxing time catching up with distant family members on Thanksgiving Day itself.

Eat Outdoors

If you plan on inviting a small group of family and friends over for Thanksgiving, consider holding the gathering outdoors. Think of a festive spread in your backyard, or go on a picnic at a nearby park or outdoor space. Evidence suggests that the coronavirus is less infectious outdoors. The Mayo Clinic lists picnics and backyard potlucks as among low-to-moderate risk outdoor activities.

While you still shouldn’t hug or converse without a mask, you may also want to consider having everyone bring their own food to the gathering. An outdoor potluck can be the next best thing to a traditional indoor Thanksgiving sit-down. Many Lake Chelan homes for sale offer sweeping natural vistas of the surrounding valley and lake, giving you an opportunity to enjoy a great view while sharing a great meal in your yard.

Plan a Smaller Meal

Since you’re likely to hold a more intimate gathering, plan a smaller meal rather than a grandiose feast that’s going to result in a stack of leftovers. Rather than spending hours roasting a ginormous turkey and slaving over multiple sidings, scale down your Thanksgiving table. Consider turkey slices and ham, along with two or three of your favorite side dishes and a dessert.

You might even want to skip the meal prep entirely and order a Thanksgiving feast in a box from local restaurants and businesses, so keep an eye out for deals in your area as the holidays near.

2020 has forced us to reconsider many of the things we take for granted, including our holiday traditions. Still, with some preparation, we can find ways to gather and celebrate the good things that remain in our life like family, friends, and the blessings that still come our way. The entire Coldwell Banker Lake Chelan Properties Realtors team wishes one and all a safe and very Happy Thanksgiving!

If you’re thinking of relocating to an ideal area, consider the gorgeous vacation destination of Lake Chelan Valley in Central Washington. Get in touch with Coldwell Banker Lake Chelan Properties at 509.682.7777 or send an email to info(at)CBChelan(dotted)com to get started.